"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ok, so it doesn't entirely relate (thus the reason why I won't show it in class), but it is a classic and hilarious. It incorporates math and history into something we are studying in Language Arts.

Monty Python's version of Arthur:


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Your advertisements are due Tuesday and Wednesday. Don't forget them at home, please! Also, please check OnCourse to see what you are missing. There are still a few things that I haven't graded yet, but be mindful of what you still have to turn in. There are only a few weeks to go, and I don't want everyone rushing at the end to catch up.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

If anyone was absent when we did the foldable, the directions are as follows:
1. Fold a piece of paper in half lengthwise.
2. Fold again to form a "hamburger."
3. Fold again so that you have eight squares.
4. Cut the foldable along the horizontal lines HALFWAY so that your paper now has flaps.
5. On the front, label each square either "myths," "legends," "fables," or "tall tales."
6. On the inside, use the chart on page 626 to take notes, making sure you leave room for later additions.

1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th periods...

Using one of the following Greek Gods or Goddesses, develop a product or company that they might be a part of. Then develop an advertisement showcasing that product.


Before developing your advertisement, research your God or Goddess online (avoid Wikipedia). Make a list of at least ten aspects of your mythical being and then create a sketch of your advertisement/product. Remember – advertisements have loaded language, catch phrases, and colorful illustrations.

Your final product should be on about one half of a piece of poster board and you will present your idea to the class. On the back (or on an attached piece of paper) explain why your product embodies the characteristics of the God or Goddess.Due Tuesday, May 11 (A) or Wednesday, May 12 (B)

6th period...Don't forget to complete your Greek God and Goddess worksheet at home! If you lost the worksheet, the names are posted above (write three characteristics and draw an illustration).

*Parents - Please Note* Progress Reports will go home in the next couple of days. The grades are a representation of your child's grade for one moment in time. There are many items that are not in the gradebook yet. Please don't panic if you are not satisfied with your child's grade right now. More than likely, it will change.