"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Extra Credit, etc.

The holidays are quickly approaching, so in the spirit of having an actual break, you do not have to worry about completing Compass Odyssey or reading journals over the holidays. The next Odyssey (besides this Friday) will be the first Friday after we come back in January and the next reading journal (also besides this Friday) will be the second Friday after we come back. However, if your grade is a C or below, I recommend that you complete the extra credit assignment below...

Extra Credit:
Over the break, compose an essay persuading me to give you 50 extra credit points, to be used to make up for any zeros in the grade book. For example, this could count of one reading journal check THAT IS ALREADY A ZERO or one full Compass Odyssey check plus 2/3 of another THAT ARE ALREADY ZEROS. I emphasize the part about already being zeros, because this is not something you can do to make up for upcoming assignments. This is due the Monday (A) and Tuesday (B) when we get back. If you forget it on one of those days, I'll still give you 40 points if it is turned in on that Wednesday/Thursday or 30 points if it is turned in on Friday/Monday, etc. Also keep in mind that a paragraph will not count as an essay, but 5 complete, solid paragraphs, with a clear thesis, reasons, support, transitions, and a counterargument will. Take an hour out of your two week break to do this and you will start the new year (and end the second quarter) on a slightly sturdier foot.

Have a wonderful break!