"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Just in case you haven't finished...

Unit 5 Performance Task

Write an article that might have appeared in a newspaper of the 1800s that explains why people are going west at such a high rate. Be sure to mention how the people’s ambitions might have driven them to make such a leap of faith. Use an appropriate tone for the time period and subject matter.
This must be at least a page long and include an illustration (you may base the illustration on the poems).

"The Lady, or the Tiger" Project Info.

Hey everyone! It's hard to believe that the second quarter is coming to a close. As we finish this quarter and go to the next one, please remember to stay on top of all assignments so that you don't have to worry about your grades! This quarter is going to fly by with FCAT and Spring Break, so there won't be any time to play around!

Here is the information on the project for "The Lady or the Tiger," in case you lost yours:

Due Tuesday, January 18 (A)/Wednesday, January 19 (B) 70 points
“The Lady, or the Tiger?”

You are now going to make your own decision as to what happens when the princess chooses the door for her lover. Is it the lady, or the tiger?

Using construction paper, you must assemble a door which can be closed. When the door is opened, there will be a picture of either a lady or a tiger in the back. On the door(s), you will explain why you believe the princess would have chosen that particular fate for her lover. You must use at least one quote from the story. Think of this as part of a larger essay and this is one of the body paragraphs. In other words, the explanation must be at least 8 sentences and use plenty of support for your belief.

Be creative with this! Remember that the kingdom in which this story takes place seems to be rather wealthy, so make your doors/door frames appear as such. Your “lady” or “tiger” should also be more than stick figures (you may print off a picture, if you like, but please make sure they are appropriate). Additionally, when making this difficult decision, be sure to take every side into account. Our author himself said, “[the decision] involves a study of the human heart which leads us through devious mazes of passion, out of which it is difficult to find our way” (691). This will be the first grade of the 3rd quarter.

On time (project was turned in on the day for which it was asked) – 10 points
Neatness (project is put together well, with few to no errors and is neatly written or typed) – 15 points
Creativity (time was obviously spent constructing the frame/doors and making it look nice) – 20 points
Explanation (has at least 8 sentences, uses at least one quote, and gives plenty of support for the decision) – 25 points