"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Friday, February 18, 2011

Compass Odyssey for 2/18

Attention: Compass Odyssey has been having technical difficulties, so I will excuse everyone from Odyssey for this week. Please make sure you try on Saturday and the following week for next Friday's 30 minute check.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Progress Reports

Midway through the third quarter already!

Progress reports will be going home next Tuesday. I would like to remind parents that these are a snapshot in time and do not necessarily mean that your child will hold that grade throughout the quarter. However, please make sure your children are handing in all of their work. Missing work is a large contributer of low grades. Due to this reason, last week I gave all of the students a list of the assignments that we had completed in the first couple weeks of the quarter. We had a make up day in class where they could complete the work and then were given over the weekend to finish up what was left. Some students took advantage, but a surprising number of students chose to forgo the priviledge of having extra time. I hope that this trend will not continue.

I also want to remind everyone that the reading benchmark tests are next Tuesday and Wednesday, and the FCAT Writes is on March 1st.

Have a wonderful three day weekend!