"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

You should have read through chapter 5 in And Then There Were None by now. If you were absent last Wednesday or Thursday, or this past Tuesday or Wednesday, you need to see me about making up the quizzes on Chapters 1-2 and Chapters 3-5. For next class, you need to have chapters 6 and 7 read. Even if you were absent one day, you need to continue keeping up with the readings. This is your responsibility! We will have another brief reading quiz on Chapters 6-7 next class.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sticky note assignment and homework

Sticky Notes!!!
As you read chapter 3, your task is to write down on a sticky note any instance where
• There is exquisite language
• A strong emotion is evoked
• A clear image is created
• There is confusion and you have a question
• You say, “Oh, wow!”
• You see a phrase you would use
• You suspect a character
• You make a connection or see something interesting
You may use the same sticky notes for multiple instances, so make sure you put the page number. Stick the sticky notes in the book! Make sure you put your name on each one in case they get separated from your book. When you finish chapter 3, go back and do the same for chapters 1 and 2. You will be required to continue making sticky notes for every chapter. You should have at least 5 notes per chapter. I will check at certain times to make sure you are keeping up with your sticky notes! If you prefer to mark in your book, that is fine...just make sure it is your book!

By Tuesday, April 26 (A) and Wednesday, April 27 (B) you should have read through chapter 5. We will have another reading quiz on that day! Make sure you keep up with your sticky notes and your character chart.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Reading Homework!

By Wednesday, 4/20 (A) and Thursday, 4/21 (B) you should have read chapters 1 and 2 of And Then There Were None. Part of chapter 1 was read in class if you were here. Fill in your character chart as you go. Remember tht if you are in Learning Recovery or you were absent, it is your responsiblity to get the work made up. There will be a small quiz on the readings on those days. Do not rely on Sparknotes and other cheats! If you pay close attention to the readings, you should do fine on the quizzes.

This week should be a reading journal week, but due to the long weekend, I am requiring the next check for the next Friday, April 29th. However, make sure you still complete your 30 minutes of Odyssey!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Make up work from 3/23-24

For any student that was absent on the Wednesday or Thursday before Spring Break, please complete the following assignment and turn in ASAP. This is the first grade for the fourth quarter.

*Bellringer #3 - "Discuss" question on page 358
*Read "Reading Strategy: Predict" on page 359 and begin the chart
*Read "The Monkey's Paw" and fill in your chart whenever you see a "predict" question in the margin.

Also, don't forget to purchase And Then There Were None!!!