"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Monday, February 27, 2012

Students today and tomorrow should finish up the Movie clips worksheet (focusing on mood, tone, and imagery) that they received in class today (or will get tomorrow on B day). We have just started Units 5 and 6, which focus on mood, tone, imagery, author's purpose/perspective, and main idea.

If you were absent on Thursday or Friday of last week, please see me about making up the baseline assessment that you missed!

Reading logs should have about 500 pages logged by now!

Monday, February 13, 2012

B day students: Here is the assignment for today. You should finish this for homework if you did not already finish. Due Wednesday, along with the work we did during the story (finding the clues to historical fiction and clues to theme).

• Draw a plot mountain and fill it up with events from “The Dog of Pompeii.” You might want to start with the climax of the story and work from there. You should have at least five events for rising action and two events for falling action.
• On page 325, do questions 4, 5, 7, and 8. Write in complete sentences.
• You can next either:
o Do the “Create a Dialogue” assignment at the top of page 327. The dialogue should be between Tito and Bimbo and should be at least a page long (front of a piece of paper). Remember that dialogue in a book or story is very rarely just dialogue; you should have some narrative information, as well.
o OR, continue the story where it leaves off with Tito. Now that he has been taken away by boat, without Bimbo, what will his life be like? What happens next? Note that this is not an alternate ending to the story, but a continuation of Tito’s story. This should be at least a page long.

Friday, February 10, 2012

A day students should finish their work for "The Dog of Pompeii." The work was to answer numbers 4, 5, 7, and 8 on page 325. Then, they were to create a dialogue between Bimbo and Tito (see directions on page 327 where it says "Short Response - Create a Dialogue") OR continue the story from where Tito calls out for Bimbo. This is not an alternate ending to the story, but a continuation of Tito's story. Each of these should be at least a page long. B day students have not received this assingment yet, and may have a slightly different one, so should not begin until given instructions to do so on Monday.

Additionally, thank you to everyone who donated magazines. We now have plenty to use in different activities and do not need more!

Have a wonderful weekend!