"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Units 4/5 Post Test

The post test for Units 4/5 will be tomorrow and Friday (2/28 and 3/1).  To prepare, study the following standards from your notes and/or look up sample questions online or in your textbook.

--Main idea
--Author's purpose
--Text features
--Text structures

Since we will be taking two unit tests, we might need to continue the test on Monday/Tuesday.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Students should have been taking notes and answering the questions from pages R8-R13 in the Literature books.  You may take notes in whatever format is most comfortable for you, but all questions should be answered in complete sentences.  I will check for this tomorrow with my B day students.

No homework for tonight, other than the reading log (unless you haven't finished the text structures notes, above).  Please check the previous post for a the reading log (an image that you should be able to copy and paste into Word or Paint).

Progress Report grades are being pulled today.  As I continue to grade papers, the grades will change and will most likely be different from the grade you will see on the official progress report.  I have not entered in very many zeroes for missing assignments.  Don't panic if you are not happy with the printed grade!  However, do know that, even though there aren't many grades in the gradebook right now, if you have a low grade it is because you have not turned items in OR you have turned in items that are incomplete.  Keep that in mind as we continue through the rest of the quarter.  When I get this batch of papers graded, I will print unofficial progress reports for everyone.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Homework for the weekend and reading log

B day (except 7B) - Don't forget that your take home tests on The Giver are due tomorrow!  Tomorrow, you will also receive some pages from our workbooks to work on and to finish at home if you don't finish in class.  Make sure those are completed over the weekend and turned in to me on Tuesday.

A day students - Today you worked on the "Super Croc" article from our workbooks.  Please make sure you complete that over the weekend and bring it back on Monday. 

I have still not printed any reading logs because I do not have enough paper!  I have added an image of the reading log below.  If you copy and paste the log to a word file or to paint, you should be able to enlarge it and print it from there.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Giver take home test

I am giving another day to complete The Giver assignment.  The due dates are now:

1A and 2A - due Thursday, February 7th
5B and 6B - due Friday, February 8th
7B - due Tuesday, February 12th.

If you were in Learning Recovery and did not get the packet, please make sure you see me and get a copy!  If you were absent or in LR, you have an additional day to complete the take home test.

*Note:  I am still in need of tissues and copy paper.  Please consider donating a ream or two of paper and a box or two of tissues.  Thank you!