"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Due Friday (A) or Monday (B): Compose 5 sentences and identify the conjunctions as coordinating or correlative. You must have at least two sentences with correlative conjunctions. Also, don’t forget to bring back the classwork (Exercise 14 from the grammar book)!

You will need your literature book tomorrow, so don’t leave it at home!!!

The words for your vocabulary are found in the green outlined boxes on pgs 238 and 893 in your literature books. Remember: it is your responsibility to know the definitions (these are also found in the stories just before the words lists). The words are as follows:
Balk, Compulsory, Elusive, Eminent, Genially, Rehabilitate, Retribution, Saunter, Unperceived, Virtuous, Anecdotal, Consensus, Demonize, Inadvertence, Prospective, Scrutiny, Travesty, and Visceral.