"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Monday, January 25, 2010

Some Important Announcements...

As we begin a new quarter, I would like to start off on a fresh page with a couple of announcements:
**First, from now on assignments are to be completed using only blue or black ink pens. No pencils or other colored pens will be allowed. Please keep a pencil handy in case we have a scantron test, but only use a pencil in such a case. Pens are much easier to read and are more professional, so everyone needs to get used to writing with them. If you are uncomfortable having neatly drawn scratches on your paper when you make a mistake, I suggest using eraseable pens or white out.
**Second, you will now be limited to 5 hall passes per nine weeks for my class. Any unused hall passes will count as extra credit at the end of the semester, so use them wisely. Hall passes I will be counting will be for things such as going to the bathroom, getting water, or going to your lockers, not times when you are called to the main office, for example.
**Third, everyone needs to remain proactive when completing assignments to avoid scrambling to make the grade at the end of the quarter. If an assignment is given, just do it!