"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Compass Odyssey Issues

For those that are still having trouble logging into Odyssey, here is a solution that should solve the problem. I will count this week's Odyssey for the past two weeks (10/1 and 10/8) due to these problems. In other words, this weekend I will enter in the dates of 9/25-10/15 and if you have completed your 1/2 hour at some point during those weeks, it will count for all three weeks. This seems to be the fairest way of doing it since the issues were no fault of your own.

Session timeouts on initial login and during their sessions.
Compass Odyssey Session Timeouts

When connect to Odyssey Login page the rocket ship number should not change when reloading/refreshing the page.
Upon a refresh/reload the rocket ship number changes meaning that the session cookie is corrupt or not being created locally.

Logged in as the user with the problem
Open Internet Explorer
Delete the cookies on the local machine.

Internet Explorer
Internet Options
General Tab
Under Browsing history
Delete Cookies

Close all IE Windows and restart Internet Explorer. Once connected to Odyssey the number should not change upon refresh