"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hooray!!! I can finally update the blog again, after a couple of weeks of technical difficulties.

I am more satisfied this quarter with the overall grades (keep in mind that they are not finalized yet), as every class has a mid-C to a high-B average. With make up work turned in and extra credit completed, I believe that number will only rise.

Extra Credit Activity:
*Complete the following to earn 50 extra credit points, which will be added into the grade as make up work for any 0s, up to 50 points.

Read pages 396-412, "The Story of an Eyewitness" and "Letter from New Orleans." While reading, answer the questions on the sides of the stories (A-I for both stories). Also answer the questions on page 413. All answers must be in complete sentences in order for you to earn this credit. This is an all or nothing assignment, meaning that you will not receive credit if it is almost done or halfway done, only if it is completely done.

Due March 21 (A) and March 22 (B). NO LATER!!!

***A reminder***Reading Journal Check #14 will be due on April 8th. This gives you two extra weeks to complete the assignment, as it should be due next week, but will not be.