"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of School

What a whirlwind!

Today you heard (or will hear) tons of information. Hopefully, it won't be too overwhelming for you to process. Just a few reminders for students and parents alike:

--please go through the manilla folders you received today and get everything signed that asks for a signature. Make sure you go through all of the information that doesn't ask for a signature, as well.
--please remember to go over the curriculum paper and sign that for the student to bring in to me. This is a five point assignment. I will check for it on the next A/B day, though the paper will stay in your notebook.
--Review the orange paper you received ("Information you need to know") and get your notebook in order. Please bring your organized notebook to class on Wednesday, along with a 3-prong folder. We will go over notebooks then.
--Parents, please do me the favor of completing the "Million Word Essay" handout. This is simply a way for you to tell me something about your child that you think I may need to know; it is not part of your student's grade.
--Remember to work on summer reading if you have not already turned it in. Summer reading will officially be due on Tuesday, September 6 (A-day) or Wednesday, September 7 (B-day). Those that turned it in today (Monday), or will turn it in tomorrow (Tuesday) will receive extra credit for being proactive. Projects will be presented on the due date.

Thank you to all of the parents that brought in supplies for the team! We will definitely be prepared for the new year now!

Let's have an awesome day 2!