"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Some notes...

---FYI - the Compass Odyssey tests that you just took will go in the gradebook so that we can see your grades easily when needed, as well as to let your parents know where you stand. However, they will not be counted as a grade that alters your points, so no worries!

---Just a reminder that the first round of books are due today, September 8th. If you checked out a book that is due today, please return it ASAP. If you are not finished, you must renew your book with a new entry on the library check-out list.

---Thank you to all of the parents that came to Open House! I hope I didn't talk too fast : )

The only post-it note question I received was in regards to the amount of writing the students will be doing this year. We will definitely put some focus on writing to begin preparing them for the FCAT writing test (which they officially take in 8th grade). The amount of writing completed should increase with each year. In 6th grade, we will primarily focus on the planning stages and introductory paragraphs of essays so that they have a solid foundation when entering 7th grade.