"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Monday, October 24, 2011

Compass Odyssey Vocabulary Assignment

Due to technical issues with the Compass Odyssey website, and to help your grades a little, the vocabulary assignment will now be due on Monday, October 31st (A) and Tuesday, November 1st (B). If you have already finished the assignment, then you have nothing to worry about. If you have not finished yet, this gives you another week to get it done!

Don't forget to turn in your reading logs this week! This is a large percentage of your overall grade!!!!!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Compass Odyssey will be shut down this weekend!

So...bad news. Compass Odyssey will be shut down this weekend from Friday (tonight) at 6:00 until Sunday at 4:00. This means that you have just under three hours today (if you read this immediately after I post it) and a few hours on Sunday night to work on my Vocabulary Assignment if you were planning on doing it this weekend. Due to this, I will excuse you if you don't have Odyssey done by Monday, October 24 (A) or Tuesday, October 25 (B). The last day I will accept Odyssey (which is also the last day I am able to accept work) will be Wednesday, October 26 (A) or Thursday, October 27 (B).

Reading Logs are still due next Wednesday and Thursday. Remember, you get credit for what you have done, so don't stress out if you didn't quite make it to 1000. 800 pages and up will give you a B or higher on that assignment. See post below for a link to the reading log.

If you will notice on your progress reports, the reading log and the odyssey assignment both count for around 14% of your grade. These are very important items! Don't forget these!!!!!!!!

Also, don't forget your make-up work, if you had any.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Reading Logs

For some reason, the website I was using to post documents keeps asking people to join facebook. That was definitely not my goal and I'm not sure why that is. Let's see if this will work for the reading logs...

Click here to go to the reading log.

Progress reports, etc.

Tomorrow and Friday, everyone will receive a mini-print-out of their grade, as well as items that are highlighted or stapled that can be made up. In other words, if you are missing the similes and metaphors worksheet, for example, you will get a new copy of the similes and metaphors worksheet. Obviously, if you still have that work, you should turn it all in ASAP and refrain from taking my extra copies. My grades for the first quarter will be finalized on Thursday, October 27th...no exceptions! Our grades are due by noon on Friday, October 28th, but with the high volume of online traffic on the gradebook system, it will be nearly impossible to update a grade that morning.

Don't forget Compass Odyssey! Make sure you are clicking on "Vocabulary Assignment," and not "FCAT Learning Path." Some of the activities are repeated, yes, but when I check the Vocab. assignment, your completion of an activity in another folder will not show up on my report. That means that you might do just as much work, but if it wasn't the right work, you won't receive credit.

1000 pages are also due next week! Please make sure you bring your reading logs to class.

Friday, October 14, 2011

A few reminders...

Don't forget that you need to have 1000 pages read by the end of the first quarter. That means you have less than two weeks to finish your reading. I will check the logs and have you add everything up the week after next.

Additionally, don't forget to complete the Compass Odyssey assignment. When you click on Language Arts, you should see a tab at the top of the page that says "Vocabulary." Do all of the folders in that tab by Monday, October 24 (A) or Tuesday, October 25 (B).

Just a note that when you look at your grades on OnCourse, a grade of 0 means I did not receive any work. If it says "No Grade," it means I have not yet graded the assignment or entered it into the gradebook.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hooray! I can finally post information again. For some reason, I have not been able to log on to the blog when at school, but our computers were just updated and that seems to have solved the problem. Since I last updated, we have been working with figurative language and sound devices. Students should have completed the following assignments either in class or at home:

Homework for similes/metaphors, personification, hyperbole, and sound devices
Figurative language flippy charts
Similes and metaphors chart for the story "All Summer in a Day"
Hyperbolic Cartoons
Alliteration and Onomatopoeia poem
Analyzations of poems

I will check the reading logs next class for progress. We have about three weeks left in this quarter, so 1000 pages should be read by then.