"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Friday, October 21, 2011

Compass Odyssey will be shut down this weekend!

So...bad news. Compass Odyssey will be shut down this weekend from Friday (tonight) at 6:00 until Sunday at 4:00. This means that you have just under three hours today (if you read this immediately after I post it) and a few hours on Sunday night to work on my Vocabulary Assignment if you were planning on doing it this weekend. Due to this, I will excuse you if you don't have Odyssey done by Monday, October 24 (A) or Tuesday, October 25 (B). The last day I will accept Odyssey (which is also the last day I am able to accept work) will be Wednesday, October 26 (A) or Thursday, October 27 (B).

Reading Logs are still due next Wednesday and Thursday. Remember, you get credit for what you have done, so don't stress out if you didn't quite make it to 1000. 800 pages and up will give you a B or higher on that assignment. See post below for a link to the reading log.

If you will notice on your progress reports, the reading log and the odyssey assignment both count for around 14% of your grade. These are very important items! Don't forget these!!!!!!!!

Also, don't forget your make-up work, if you had any.

Have a wonderful weekend!