"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Upcoming Homework

A day students - your homework was to take another classic tale like "The Three Little Pigs" that could be told from two sides. Select a character and tell the story from his or her side, just like in "The True Story of the Three Little Pigs." You do not have to illustrate it, but creativity is always encouraged. Minimum of 500 words (about one page). This is due on Wednesday, December 7th. [B day students do not have this assignment yet]

The Compass Odyssey assignment is due on December 14th (although work done on the 15th will also be accepted since I have given that date to a few people). This is the Units 3 and 4 assignment under the Language Arts folder.

Here is the reading log link again.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone has a wonderful, long break over the Thanksgiving holidays. To get a head start on upcoming homework, I have gone ahead and assigned a new Compass Odyssey folder. Click on "Language Arts" and then "Units 3 and 4 Reading Assignment." This large folder will cover the standards we are focusing on for the rest of this quarter. I am not officially assigning this until next week, but you have an extra six days to work on it if you want. This will be due before the winter break for everyone on Wednesday, December 14th.

Have a great break!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

We have begun Units 3 and 4 on Text Features, Plot, Cause and Effect, and Theme. Students have taken the baseline assessment and have started working on text features. In class, we began taking notes on pages 842 and 844 using a handout. Students should finish this at home, if not already. Pages 843 and 845, the students should complete on a separate sheet of paper. They are to read the articles and answer numbers 1-3 on each page. This will go into the reading notes section of their notebooks. Today (or B day, tomorrow), we began working on the text features mini project. 1A students should complete the project at home (due on Thursday) because we will be attending the spelling bee. 3A students will have time in class to complete the project, as will B day students.

A note on grades: I am working on getting items graded and will be updating OnCourse in the next few days.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Some Reminders and Notices...

The revised district timed writing #1 is due tomorrow, November 2nd for A day and Monday, November 7th for B day. You need your original essay with a parent's signature, your grade explanation that we did in class, your revised essay (if you type it, please type in Times New Roman 12 point font), and your list of potential hooks ALL STAPLED TOGETHER WITH YOUR NAME ON EACH PAGE.

The practice in writing hooks (where I gave you five prompts and you had to write hooks for each one) has been due, but I will still accept it due to the craziness of the last week. 6th period's is due today. After this assignment, no other late work will be accepted. We decided as a team to not accept late work anymore (unless there are extenuating circumstances, of course) because it does not do you any good to do work after we have moved on from a topic. The point of homework and classwork is to ensure that you receive practice in the items being taught. If you don't do the work, you don't show the learning process.

Over the next couple of days, we will have the second district timed writing and then we will begin Units 3 and 4 (text features, cause and effect, plot, and theme).

Please make sure you are continuing to keep up with your reading logs! Scroll a few posts down and you will see a link to the reading log if you need another copy.