"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

We have begun Units 3 and 4 on Text Features, Plot, Cause and Effect, and Theme. Students have taken the baseline assessment and have started working on text features. In class, we began taking notes on pages 842 and 844 using a handout. Students should finish this at home, if not already. Pages 843 and 845, the students should complete on a separate sheet of paper. They are to read the articles and answer numbers 1-3 on each page. This will go into the reading notes section of their notebooks. Today (or B day, tomorrow), we began working on the text features mini project. 1A students should complete the project at home (due on Thursday) because we will be attending the spelling bee. 3A students will have time in class to complete the project, as will B day students.

A note on grades: I am working on getting items graded and will be updating OnCourse in the next few days.