"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Friday, April 27, 2012

What a crazy couple of weeks we have had : ) 1A and 3A - You should have worked on the yellow workbooks in class and have received notes (taken notes) on Points of view. Your homework for over the weekend is to do the reader's workshop on pages 176-181. You are to read and answer questions in the margins. 4B, 5B, 6B - You also should have worked on the yellow workbooks in class, but you have not yet had the lesson on point of view. Your homework is to finish the author's perspective assignment. After illustrating the four points of view (what your parents think, what your friends think, what you think/wish, and what really happens), you are to write a paragraph from each perspective. Cut out the four squares of your drawings on three sides so that it forms a flap. Then, glue a blank sheet of computer paper onto the other side so that there is space for your paragraphs. Copy the paragraphs onto the paper so that when you flip up the drawings, the perspective is written under them. FCAT Explorer is due today! Please make sure you finish that for your two grades. I am working on adding grades to the gradebook. I should get it updated at some point this weekend. I wanted to make sure I had a few grades before putting them in. Parents: Flyers went home today regarding "Mom and me" lunch, World of Nations, and Spring Pictures. Progress Reports are coming soon... Have a wonderful weekend!