"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Grades and upcoming dates

I have just posted the grades for the Unit 1 post test.  I removed four of the questions and entered in grades that reflect that.  Numbers 4 and 5 were standards that were not tested on the baseline, number 6 was more of an opinion, and number 15 did not have an entirely correct answer choice.

Amnesty day will be Thursday, October 18 (A) and Friday, October 19 (B).  On amnesty day, you will be able to complete up to three of your missing assignments for half credit, based on the score you receive.  For example, if you missed an assignment that was worth 50 points, you may only receive 25 points back, IF EVERYTHING IS DONE CORRECTLY.  You must bring work that you are missing with you.  I do not have extra copies of worksheets.  Those were your responsibility to maintain.  I will give instructions again, as needed, for certain assignments.

Reading Logs will be due on Monday, October 22 (A) and Tuesday, October 23 (B).  This will give me a couple of days to put the grades into the gradebook before report cards.  This is a 100 point assignment, so make sure you bring your log with you!