"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Monday, January 14, 2013

Extra Credit

Don't forget that the extra credit assignment is due on Wednesday/Thursday!  I will post the assignment below.  Also, the reading logs were due today (A day) and are due tomorrow (B day).  If you did not turn one in and you are an A day student, please do so in the morning (after dismissal from the holding areas).

Extra Credit:
Choose one of the following to complete for 50 points added on top of your grade.  Choose two for an additional 25 points:
1.     The Giver hints at the fact that the people in the community may have been genetically altered for different reasons (such as to keep them from seeing color).  Research genetic engineering and write a one page report (12 point font, Times New Roman) in which you explain a little bit about how genetic engineering works and the possibilities there may be in the future (1/2 page).  For the second half of the page, express your thoughts and opinions as to what may have happened in the community to create “Sameness,” as well as your opinion overall (does it make sense? Would you like to live in that community?, etc.).  Cite your sources.
2.      Draw a map of the community in The Giver.  Include locations that are introduced or mentioned in the novel, and feel free to add locations you think might be present.  Think about where certain places might be located if you were creating a community.  For example, would the recreation area be right next to the school?  Would the nurturing center be far away from the river because of dangers?  Use the book as a guide, and make your map colorful!
3.      Research the author of The Giver, Lois Lowry.  Write a one page report on her life (12 point font, Times New Roman).  Cite your sources.
4.      Write what we have read so far in The Giver from another character’s perspective.  In other words, in the novel we only see from Jonas’s point of view.  What might the events look like from someone else’s point of view, such as Asher, Lily, or the Giver?  Write one page in 12 point, Times New Roman font.