"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Monday, November 25, 2013

B day 6th Graders - Today, you should have finished your similes and metaphors chart for "All Summer in a Day."  If you did not finish the chart, it is your homework to complete it over the break.  Otherwise, there is no homework.

A day 6th Graders - Tomorrow, you will receive some homework on similes, metaphors, and personification.  There will be time for you to work on this assignment in class.  What you don't finish will be your homework for the break.

8th Graders - Over the break, you need to finish revising your DTW #1, if not already finished.  Everyone should type the revised version of the essay, making sure to proofread and revise as you go.  This is due Tuesday, December 3rd.  We will also have a practice writing test so that I can see what we still need to work on as we move closer to the FCAT writes.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!