"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Friday, March 14, 2014

Extra Credit Opportunities

I hope everyone has a wonderful, fun, and safe Spring Break!  You do not have any official homework over the break, but I would like for everyone to read every day.  Setting aside 30 minutes to an hour each day to read can significantly improve your reading skills, simply by the exposure to new vocabulary and concepts.  There is also an extra credit assignment, should you choose to complete it.  They are different for sixth and eighth grades.

6th Grade 3rd Quarter Extra Credit Opportunity
Due Monday, March 24 (A Day) and Tuesday, March 25 (B Day). 
I will NOT accept the assignment after those two dates.
“Beware the Ides of March!”
This is a famous saying from . . . well, I’ll let you figure it out!  For 50 extra credit points (added into your grade where points are needed, not added on top), write a one-page response that explains the following:
1.      The origin of the quote
2.      Who wrote the quote
3.      Who said the quote
4.      Why the quote is famous and/or significant
5.      What the quote means
If you turn in anything that was clearly copied off the Internet, it will be counted as plagiarism and you will not receive credit.  You should use the Internet as a source, but you should put all of the information in your own words and cite where you found the information.

8th Grade Extra Credit Opportunity for the 3rd Quarter
Due Tuesday, March 25, 2014
I will NOT accept it after that date!

Put those writing skills to good use!  Write an essay persuading me to give you 50 extra points in the gradebook.  You will receive the 50 points (whether I agree or not) as long as you follow all of the rules of an essay (Introduction, thesis, topic sentences, etc.).  You may either type your essay or write it by hand.  If you type it, please make it 12 point font, Times New Roman, double-spaced.  If you handwrite it, please keep it neat!