Please follow the homework for your class (some classes are at different points):
1A/2A/5B - You received a worksheet on personification last class. There are two parts to the worksheet and it is due on Friday (for A day students) or next Monday (for B day students).
6B - Finish your reflections for "All Summer in a Day." Don't forget that you need to answer everything the prompt asks (see the last post for the prompt) and give support!
7B - Finish filling in the similes and metaphors chart for "All Summer in a Day." We found all of the similes and just need to finish explaining what they mean. Also, you need to complete the reflection for "All Summer in a Day" (see the last post for the prompt). This is an extended response, so you should fill up most of one page with your thoughts and support for your thoughts.
**Don't forget that I do not accept late work. Some of you have already discovered this firsthand and your grades will, unfortunately, suffer a bit because of it. Please make sure you have everything ready to be turned in AND WITH YOU (not "at home") when I ask for it. Stay organized by keeping a notebook. I gave you instructions for organizing your notebook on Day 1!