"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Thursday, January 23, 2014

6th Grade (except 2A):  Author's perspective assignment (Due Monday/Tuesday)

For this assignment, you are going to create your own “what my friends think” poster to illustrate different perspectives of one situation from your life.  You can choose a hobby that you are interested in, a sport that you play, a club that you are in, a subject you like…whatever!

You should include at least four squares on your paper:

What my friends think

What my parents think

What I think

What I really do
Part 2:
Now, choose either “what my friends think” or “what my parents think.”

Write from the perspective of one of those two groups of people, using their voice.

The writing should be them explaining how he or she feels about what you do or what he or she thinks you do.
The following is the assignment received today (also due next class):

Write a poem or tiny short story that demonstrates your perspective on sports.  You may play sports and LOVE it, play sports and hate it, only watch sports and not play them, or never want to have anything to do with them.  Your poem or story should show your perspective and use your VOICE. 
8th Grade - Don't forget to bring your Literature book to class every day!!!