"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

All students received a copy of the extra credit assignments last week, but in case you lost your paper, see below.  Your last chance to turn in extra credit is Thursday.  Please check your grades to see if you could use the extra credit!  Also, if you have not turned in your point of view assignment, get that to me ASAP!

6th Grade Extra Credit:

Mrs. Fifield’s Language Arts – 2nd Quarter – 6th Grade
Extra Credit Opportunity!
Due:  No later than Thursday, January 16th.  Please be advised, I will be in the building, but not in the classroom, on Wednesday, January 15th and Thursday, January 16th.  I will let the substitute know that some of you may turn in an extra credit assignment and I will make sure a spot in the room is dedicated for collection.  To be extra cautious, you may want to turn in the assignment on Monday, January 13th or Tuesday, January 14th.
Complete the following activity and you will receive 50 points, to be added in to the gradebook where needed.  In other words, if you are missing points from an assignment, the 50 points will make up for the missing ones.  For example, if you did not turn in the similes and metaphors chart for “All Summer in a Day,” you have a 0/60 in the gradebook.  If you do the extra credit, that grade would become a 50/60.  If you are not missing any points, you would not receive additional points.
This quarter, we have studied the following items:
·       Text Structures
·       Text Features
·       Figurative language
·       Character
·       Point of View

To earn the extra credit, come up with a creative way to demonstrate your knowledge of at least one of the topics we covered.  For the most part, I will leave it up to you as far as what you do.  I do not want an explanation simply written down, nor do I want a PowerPoint presentation.  Those are boring.  Tap into your artistic side – drawings, paintings, poems, songs, videos, etc.  Posters are okay, since you have to be a little more creative with how you put together a poster.  Please do not make something that is any bigger than a poster.  Some of you are very talented, but there really isn’t room in the classroom for a 10 foot tall diorama of a character!

8th Grade Extra Credit:

Mrs. Fifield’s Language Arts – 2nd Quarter – 8th Grade
Extra Credit Opportunity!
Due:  No later than Thursday, January 16th.  Please be advised, I will be in the building, but not in the classroom, on Wednesday, January 15th and Thursday, January 16th.  I will let the substitute know that some of you may turn in an extra credit assignment and I will make sure a spot in the room is dedicated for collection.  To be extra cautious, you may want to turn in the assignment on Monday, January 13th or Tuesday, January 14th.
Complete the following activity and you will receive 50 points, to be added in to the gradebook where needed.  In other words, if you are missing points from an assignment, the 50 points will make up for the missing ones.  For example, if you did not turn in the Dr. Jekyll essay, you have a 0/50 in the gradebook.  If you do the extra credit, that grade would become a 50/50.  If you are not missing any points, you would not receive additional points.
Spend some time at a bookstore, at the library, or browsing online book retailers or book review sites (Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Good Reads, etc.).  List three books that you would possibly like to read (ones you have not read before).  For each novel, give a brief summary of the summary that you read on the cover or online AND explain why you want to read that book.  Follow these guidelines to receive the points:
·       Book 1 – You must choose an older or classic novel.  Let’s say…anything written before 1950.
·       Book 2 – Choose a more modern novel, such as one on the bestseller’s lists within the past few years.
·       Book 3 – Choose a novel that has not come out yet.  Retailers (especially online) will promote upcoming novels so that people know what to expect.  OR, you may choose a novel that is brand new – released within the last month.