"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

8th Grade:
You need to finish your work for The Hitchhiker, posted below...  Also, if you did not turn in your "Macavity: The Mystery Cat" illustration, please do so next class.

8th grade parents:  Please consider chaperoning the end of the year field trip to Islands of Adventure.  If you are, please contact me as soon as possible and I can forward your information to the trip's organizer.

6th Grade:
Your "Apollo's Tree" and "Arachne" assignments are due soon (Friday for A day students, Monday for B day students).  The assignments are below.  Remember that you may complete a third assignment for 20 points extra credit added in where you need points.

Students should also finish "The Chenoo" paragraph and illustration (B day will receive this on Thursday), if not already.  You were to draw the Chenoo before and after, then write a paragraph explaining what the theme is and how the heart of ice relates to the theme.

“Apollo’s Tree” and “Arachne”
After reading these two myths, you are to choose one activity from column A (25 points) and one activity from column B (25 points) to complete.  You may complete a third activity from either column for 20 points extra credit (to replace missing points in the gradebook).  The extra credit is due at the same time as the assignment.
Answer questions 1-8 after the story on page 667 in complete sentences that restate the questions, making sure to provide plenty of evidence.

In “Arachne,” Athena and Arachne include designs in their weavings that are intended as messages for each other.  Illustrate how you imagine these designs look, using the descriptions in the myth as your guide.  Ask for a sheet of copy paper to use.

In “Apollo’s Tree,” the god Apollo is overly sure of his powers.  How does his excessive pride end up hurting both him and Daphne?  Support your answer with details and examples from the myth.  You need at least a page on this topic (like a mini-essay).  An effective analysis will give details from the myth that show Apollo’s pride and explain the consequences of his pride.

Create a storyboard for both myths.  A storyboard is sort of like a film strip or comic strip; it would show important events in the story and have a small caption with each one.  I will let you be the judge as to how many parts of the story need to be included in the storyboard.

Write a short “myth” or “fable” that explains a wonder of the natural world (such as how “Arachne” explains why there are spiders and why they weave webs).  You need at least a page, but it may be longer.

Write a song about the events of one of the myths, making sure to incorporate some of the story’s dialogue and imagery into the lyrics.