"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Monday, May 26, 2014


6th Grade:
Final Exam Assignment
We have been studying different versions of the “Cinderella” story from different cultures.  For your final exam assignment, you are going to take the information you have learned and the stories you have read and apply that information in a fresh way. 

Write your own “Cinderella” story.  You must include the common elements that we have so far seen in the “Cinderella” stories.  In other words, you should have a girl in hard times (be it emotionally or financially) who eventually is rewarded because of her kindness.  Your story should be set in modern times and should take place somewhere you are familiar with, such as school, your neighborhood, your dance class, etc.  Your story may be typed in 12-point, Times New Roman, double-spaced, and should be at least two pages typed (which is about the front and back of a piece of notebook paper, if you write small).

This is due NO LATER than Monday, June 2 (B) and Tuesday, June 3 (A).  You may turn it in early.  If you handwrite the assignment, you should turn in a neat, revised final copy.

Extra Credit Opportunity
30 extra credit points – to be added in where needed
Due no later than Wednesday, June 4

Write a thorough paragraph for each of the following questions:
1.      What was your favorite story or book that we read in ELA this year?  Why?
2.      What was your least favorite story or book that we read in ELA this year?  Why?
3.      Is there anything about ELA this year that you hope to see in ELA next year (the types of assignments, the activities, the organization, etc.)?  Why?
4.      If you could change something (the types of assignments, the activities, the organization, etc.) about this year in ELA, what would it be?  Why?
8th Grade:
Extra Credit Opportunity – 8th Grade
30 extra credit points – to be added in where needed
Due no later than Wednesday, June 4

Write a thorough paragraph for each of the following questions:
1.      What was your favorite story or book that we read in ELA this year?  Why?
2.      What was your least favorite story or book that we read in ELA this year?  Why?
3.      What do you hope English 1 is like?  In other words, did you like how this class was structured and the types of assignments that were given, or would you prefer something different?  What would you prefer?  Remember that English is required for all 4 years of high school.