"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

6th Grade Students:  You were given the following assignment to complete.  This is due Friday, October 4th (B day students) and Monday, October 7th (A day students).
The Giver
Color Your World Activity

In Chapters 12 and 13, Jonas learns that the society in which he lives does not perceive colors as we do today.  Instead, the people see in a world of black, white, and gray.  The Giver makes Jonas aware of color through the memories he imparts to Jonas.

Choose one of the following activities to complete for today:

1.       Think back to your happiest memory ever.  What did it look like?  Draw a detailed picture of your memory, as you saw it.  Since this is from your perspective, you won’t draw yourself, just what or who was around you.  You are to split your picture and make one side colorful and keep one side black and white.  Then, respond to the following questions in one paragraph.
a.       What would your experience have been like if you could not see color at the time of its occurrence?
b.      Would the memory still have stood out to you?  Why?

2.      Draw a detailed picture of a person, a landscape, a room…whatever.  Keep everything black and white except for one particular element.  For example, if Jonas were to draw a picture of his experience throwing the apple back and forth with Asher, he might color in the apple to show its red color.  When you finish, respond to the following questions in one paragraph.
a.       Why did you choose that particular element to color in, as opposed to something else in the picture? 
b.  How might just seeing one piece of the picture in color affect your experience of the situation?

8th Grade Students: You don't have any homework to complete for tomorrow.