"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who cannot read them." Mark Twain

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Extra Credit

I hope everyone is having a wonderful and restful winter break! If you need extra credit, you may complete the following for up to 50 points extra. The points will be added on wherever you need them. For example, if you scored a 0/100 on the Compass Odyssey assignment, 50 points would be added in so that it would be a 50/100. Or, if you only have a few points missing here and there, they would be added in to make up the difference.

To receive extra credit:
*Go to the duvalschools.org home page
*Click on the 5 on the scrolling window (under the tabs), or wait for the images to scroll through until you see "Winter Packets"
*When you see "Winter Packets," click on "more"
*Scroll down the page and click on 6th grade reading
*Complete the activities assigned (read through the entire packet before beginning so that it is clear as to what you should do)
*Please print out the packet and staple your work to it. Make sure you label all of your work and put your name, date, and period on the front.

This is due to me no later than Monday, January 9 (A day) and Tuesday, January 10 (B day). It WILL NOT be accepted after those dates!!!!!

Please also note that the reading log is due soon. You need to have recorded 1000 pages on your log to receive full credit.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Upcoming Homework

A day students - your homework was to take another classic tale like "The Three Little Pigs" that could be told from two sides. Select a character and tell the story from his or her side, just like in "The True Story of the Three Little Pigs." You do not have to illustrate it, but creativity is always encouraged. Minimum of 500 words (about one page). This is due on Wednesday, December 7th. [B day students do not have this assignment yet]

The Compass Odyssey assignment is due on December 14th (although work done on the 15th will also be accepted since I have given that date to a few people). This is the Units 3 and 4 assignment under the Language Arts folder.

Here is the reading log link again.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone has a wonderful, long break over the Thanksgiving holidays. To get a head start on upcoming homework, I have gone ahead and assigned a new Compass Odyssey folder. Click on "Language Arts" and then "Units 3 and 4 Reading Assignment." This large folder will cover the standards we are focusing on for the rest of this quarter. I am not officially assigning this until next week, but you have an extra six days to work on it if you want. This will be due before the winter break for everyone on Wednesday, December 14th.

Have a great break!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

We have begun Units 3 and 4 on Text Features, Plot, Cause and Effect, and Theme. Students have taken the baseline assessment and have started working on text features. In class, we began taking notes on pages 842 and 844 using a handout. Students should finish this at home, if not already. Pages 843 and 845, the students should complete on a separate sheet of paper. They are to read the articles and answer numbers 1-3 on each page. This will go into the reading notes section of their notebooks. Today (or B day, tomorrow), we began working on the text features mini project. 1A students should complete the project at home (due on Thursday) because we will be attending the spelling bee. 3A students will have time in class to complete the project, as will B day students.

A note on grades: I am working on getting items graded and will be updating OnCourse in the next few days.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Some Reminders and Notices...

The revised district timed writing #1 is due tomorrow, November 2nd for A day and Monday, November 7th for B day. You need your original essay with a parent's signature, your grade explanation that we did in class, your revised essay (if you type it, please type in Times New Roman 12 point font), and your list of potential hooks ALL STAPLED TOGETHER WITH YOUR NAME ON EACH PAGE.

The practice in writing hooks (where I gave you five prompts and you had to write hooks for each one) has been due, but I will still accept it due to the craziness of the last week. 6th period's is due today. After this assignment, no other late work will be accepted. We decided as a team to not accept late work anymore (unless there are extenuating circumstances, of course) because it does not do you any good to do work after we have moved on from a topic. The point of homework and classwork is to ensure that you receive practice in the items being taught. If you don't do the work, you don't show the learning process.

Over the next couple of days, we will have the second district timed writing and then we will begin Units 3 and 4 (text features, cause and effect, plot, and theme).

Please make sure you are continuing to keep up with your reading logs! Scroll a few posts down and you will see a link to the reading log if you need another copy.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Compass Odyssey Vocabulary Assignment

Due to technical issues with the Compass Odyssey website, and to help your grades a little, the vocabulary assignment will now be due on Monday, October 31st (A) and Tuesday, November 1st (B). If you have already finished the assignment, then you have nothing to worry about. If you have not finished yet, this gives you another week to get it done!

Don't forget to turn in your reading logs this week! This is a large percentage of your overall grade!!!!!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Compass Odyssey will be shut down this weekend!

So...bad news. Compass Odyssey will be shut down this weekend from Friday (tonight) at 6:00 until Sunday at 4:00. This means that you have just under three hours today (if you read this immediately after I post it) and a few hours on Sunday night to work on my Vocabulary Assignment if you were planning on doing it this weekend. Due to this, I will excuse you if you don't have Odyssey done by Monday, October 24 (A) or Tuesday, October 25 (B). The last day I will accept Odyssey (which is also the last day I am able to accept work) will be Wednesday, October 26 (A) or Thursday, October 27 (B).

Reading Logs are still due next Wednesday and Thursday. Remember, you get credit for what you have done, so don't stress out if you didn't quite make it to 1000. 800 pages and up will give you a B or higher on that assignment. See post below for a link to the reading log.

If you will notice on your progress reports, the reading log and the odyssey assignment both count for around 14% of your grade. These are very important items! Don't forget these!!!!!!!!

Also, don't forget your make-up work, if you had any.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Reading Logs

For some reason, the website I was using to post documents keeps asking people to join facebook. That was definitely not my goal and I'm not sure why that is. Let's see if this will work for the reading logs...

Click here to go to the reading log.

Progress reports, etc.

Tomorrow and Friday, everyone will receive a mini-print-out of their grade, as well as items that are highlighted or stapled that can be made up. In other words, if you are missing the similes and metaphors worksheet, for example, you will get a new copy of the similes and metaphors worksheet. Obviously, if you still have that work, you should turn it all in ASAP and refrain from taking my extra copies. My grades for the first quarter will be finalized on Thursday, October 27th...no exceptions! Our grades are due by noon on Friday, October 28th, but with the high volume of online traffic on the gradebook system, it will be nearly impossible to update a grade that morning.

Don't forget Compass Odyssey! Make sure you are clicking on "Vocabulary Assignment," and not "FCAT Learning Path." Some of the activities are repeated, yes, but when I check the Vocab. assignment, your completion of an activity in another folder will not show up on my report. That means that you might do just as much work, but if it wasn't the right work, you won't receive credit.

1000 pages are also due next week! Please make sure you bring your reading logs to class.

Friday, October 14, 2011

A few reminders...

Don't forget that you need to have 1000 pages read by the end of the first quarter. That means you have less than two weeks to finish your reading. I will check the logs and have you add everything up the week after next.

Additionally, don't forget to complete the Compass Odyssey assignment. When you click on Language Arts, you should see a tab at the top of the page that says "Vocabulary." Do all of the folders in that tab by Monday, October 24 (A) or Tuesday, October 25 (B).

Just a note that when you look at your grades on OnCourse, a grade of 0 means I did not receive any work. If it says "No Grade," it means I have not yet graded the assignment or entered it into the gradebook.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hooray! I can finally post information again. For some reason, I have not been able to log on to the blog when at school, but our computers were just updated and that seems to have solved the problem. Since I last updated, we have been working with figurative language and sound devices. Students should have completed the following assignments either in class or at home:

Homework for similes/metaphors, personification, hyperbole, and sound devices
Figurative language flippy charts
Similes and metaphors chart for the story "All Summer in a Day"
Hyperbolic Cartoons
Alliteration and Onomatopoeia poem
Analyzations of poems

I will check the reading logs next class for progress. We have about three weeks left in this quarter, so 1000 pages should be read by then.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Some updates...

--There are still a few students that have not completed one or both of the tests in Compass Odyssey. The list of students is on my board! Remember that once you click on "Language Arts," the two tests are next to each other (parts 1 and 2). I have not yet assigned work with the learning path or other assignments, but that is coming soon : )

--I promise that I will check reading logs soon, maybe this week, maybe next week. Keep up with your reading, and make sure you follow the instructions on the back of the reading logs. Please let me know if you need another reading log.

--Literature books need to be brought to school if they are at home now. We do not have a class set. If there is every a need to bring the book home, students may take advantage of the online book. Instructions for accessing the book are on the orange sheet of paper all students received on Day 1. However, every story does not appear in the book, so check before you rely only on the online book!

--There are ten students that are currently overdue with their library books. The list of names is on my board. Please return or renew them ASAP!!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Some notes...

---FYI - the Compass Odyssey tests that you just took will go in the gradebook so that we can see your grades easily when needed, as well as to let your parents know where you stand. However, they will not be counted as a grade that alters your points, so no worries!

---Just a reminder that the first round of books are due today, September 8th. If you checked out a book that is due today, please return it ASAP. If you are not finished, you must renew your book with a new entry on the library check-out list.

---Thank you to all of the parents that came to Open House! I hope I didn't talk too fast : )

The only post-it note question I received was in regards to the amount of writing the students will be doing this year. We will definitely put some focus on writing to begin preparing them for the FCAT writing test (which they officially take in 8th grade). The amount of writing completed should increase with each year. In 6th grade, we will primarily focus on the planning stages and introductory paragraphs of essays so that they have a solid foundation when entering 7th grade.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Compass Odyssey, etc.

If you are absent September 6-7, make sure you log on to Compass Odyssey and complete the tests that decide your learning path. Once you are logged into Odyssey, click on "Language Arts," then "FCAT Reading Test - 6th Grade, Part 1." Complete the test, taking your time! When you finish, complete Part 2 (go back to the first page and it should be next to Part 1). You do not need to begin working on your learning path yet. To see your scores, go to the home page of Odyssey and click on the backpack in the upper left corner.

Summer Reading is due September 6-7, so make sure you get your essays AND books-in-bags turned in ASAP. I was hoping to have the book-in-a-bag presentations today and tomorrow, but the Odyssey test takes up the majority of the period. We will just have to wait on that!

Also just a note, the first wave of library books will be due on September 8th! Make sure you return them on time to give others a chance to read the books.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Reading Log

Reading Log

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Just a reminder to work on your Super Six superheroes at home if you do not finish them in class! Today and tomorrow, we are transfering our sketches to construction paper, so you need to come prepared. Also, there are still a few students who have not shown me a signed syllabus. Remember that this is the first grade! By now, notebooks should be ready to go and you should be coming to class with blue/black ink pens. Summer reading is officially due next Tuesday and Wednesday. The presentations might have to be pushed back a day because we have been scheduled to go into the computer lab on those days.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

And So It Begins...

Pat yourselves on the back; you made it through the first two rounds of A/B days! Here are some Language Arts updates:

--Homework was to finish getting everything signed, to get organized, and to start logging your reading.
--Summer reading assignments have been turned in for the most part, but there are still some students who are not finished. These will be due no later than September 6 (A Day) and September 7 (B Day). You will present your projects on those days. No whining! We must get used to speaking out loud and in front of people. You will only present your book-in-a-bag.
--Don't forget that you need to have everything ready to go for Language Arts by next week; that includes having blue or black pens to write with, a notebook for dividers, and a folder for your reading log.

I will try to attach the reading logs to the blog, as well as the "Super Six" handout that you received.

Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of School

What a whirlwind!

Today you heard (or will hear) tons of information. Hopefully, it won't be too overwhelming for you to process. Just a few reminders for students and parents alike:

--please go through the manilla folders you received today and get everything signed that asks for a signature. Make sure you go through all of the information that doesn't ask for a signature, as well.
--please remember to go over the curriculum paper and sign that for the student to bring in to me. This is a five point assignment. I will check for it on the next A/B day, though the paper will stay in your notebook.
--Review the orange paper you received ("Information you need to know") and get your notebook in order. Please bring your organized notebook to class on Wednesday, along with a 3-prong folder. We will go over notebooks then.
--Parents, please do me the favor of completing the "Million Word Essay" handout. This is simply a way for you to tell me something about your child that you think I may need to know; it is not part of your student's grade.
--Remember to work on summer reading if you have not already turned it in. Summer reading will officially be due on Tuesday, September 6 (A-day) or Wednesday, September 7 (B-day). Those that turned it in today (Monday), or will turn it in tomorrow (Tuesday) will receive extra credit for being proactive. Projects will be presented on the due date.

Thank you to all of the parents that brought in supplies for the team! We will definitely be prepared for the new year now!

Let's have an awesome day 2!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Supplies for 2011-2012 6th Grade Language Arts

Welcome to 6th grade! Somehow, wires must have gotten crossed when I sent in my supply list to the school because the list on the JLCP website is not correct for my class. Oops! Note that students will be responsible for their own items and supplies will not be collected to be shared "community style" (excluding any art or sanitary supplies that are donated). Please disregard that list for my class and buy the following items, instead:

-1 1-inch 3 ring binder with pockets
-5 dividers
-1 3-prong folder
-College ruled notebook paper (enough for the entire year)
-Black and/or blue ink pens (enough for the entire year; eraseable is fine)
-#2 pencils
-Personal pencil sharpener (one that works without batteries)
-Post-it notes/sticky notes
-Highlighters (any color)
-1 pack of Colored pencils
-Crayons and/or washable markers

Items for Everyone:

-Hand Sanitizer
-Paper towels
-Lysol wipes
-Colored computer paper

In addition, students should always carry a personal reading book in case of down time throughout the school day : )

Thank you, and sorry about the mix-up!

Incoming 6th Graders...Don't forget Summer Reading!

Summer Reading 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

You should have read through chapter 5 in And Then There Were None by now. If you were absent last Wednesday or Thursday, or this past Tuesday or Wednesday, you need to see me about making up the quizzes on Chapters 1-2 and Chapters 3-5. For next class, you need to have chapters 6 and 7 read. Even if you were absent one day, you need to continue keeping up with the readings. This is your responsibility! We will have another brief reading quiz on Chapters 6-7 next class.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sticky note assignment and homework

Sticky Notes!!!
As you read chapter 3, your task is to write down on a sticky note any instance where
• There is exquisite language
• A strong emotion is evoked
• A clear image is created
• There is confusion and you have a question
• You say, “Oh, wow!”
• You see a phrase you would use
• You suspect a character
• You make a connection or see something interesting
You may use the same sticky notes for multiple instances, so make sure you put the page number. Stick the sticky notes in the book! Make sure you put your name on each one in case they get separated from your book. When you finish chapter 3, go back and do the same for chapters 1 and 2. You will be required to continue making sticky notes for every chapter. You should have at least 5 notes per chapter. I will check at certain times to make sure you are keeping up with your sticky notes! If you prefer to mark in your book, that is fine...just make sure it is your book!

By Tuesday, April 26 (A) and Wednesday, April 27 (B) you should have read through chapter 5. We will have another reading quiz on that day! Make sure you keep up with your sticky notes and your character chart.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Reading Homework!

By Wednesday, 4/20 (A) and Thursday, 4/21 (B) you should have read chapters 1 and 2 of And Then There Were None. Part of chapter 1 was read in class if you were here. Fill in your character chart as you go. Remember tht if you are in Learning Recovery or you were absent, it is your responsiblity to get the work made up. There will be a small quiz on the readings on those days. Do not rely on Sparknotes and other cheats! If you pay close attention to the readings, you should do fine on the quizzes.

This week should be a reading journal week, but due to the long weekend, I am requiring the next check for the next Friday, April 29th. However, make sure you still complete your 30 minutes of Odyssey!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Make up work from 3/23-24

For any student that was absent on the Wednesday or Thursday before Spring Break, please complete the following assignment and turn in ASAP. This is the first grade for the fourth quarter.

*Bellringer #3 - "Discuss" question on page 358
*Read "Reading Strategy: Predict" on page 359 and begin the chart
*Read "The Monkey's Paw" and fill in your chart whenever you see a "predict" question in the margin.

Also, don't forget to purchase And Then There Were None!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Happy Spring Break!

Here's wishing that everyone has a wonderful and safe Spring Break! Don't forget to buy And Then There Were None, by Agatha Christie!!! Bring the book in by Friday, April 8th (or bring in the receipt that shows your copy is on its way). If you don't have the book by the time we start reading, imagine the blank spots in the gradebook that will negatively affect your grade.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Please do not forget to purchase a copy of Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None by Friday, April 8th. You must bring it in so that I can mark you off as having the book. We will begin reading the book after the FCAT. Check bookstores - including used bookstores - and online! If you order the book and it won't be in by the 8th, bring in a receipt so that there is proof that the book is on its way. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE!

Extra Credit for Hall Passes

Just as an FYI: Extra Credit for unused hall passes and any other extra credit earned (such as through team time games, etc.) will be entered in wherever you may need extra points. For example, if you did not use your 4 hall passes and you missed a reading journal entry, the 0/50 will become 4/50. It is not much in the grand scheme of things, but it could be just enough to push you to the next letter grade, depending on where you currently stand.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Novel Study for the Fourth Quarter

Please purchase a copy of Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None by Friday, April 8th. We will be reading this book for a novel study after the FCAT. Try the usual bookstores, but also don't hesitate to try amazon.com or used book stores such as Chamblin's Book Mine (2 locations in Jacksonville). These books are gently used and loved, but will be more affordable. For suspense's sake, please do not read ahead!
Hooray!!! I can finally update the blog again, after a couple of weeks of technical difficulties.

I am more satisfied this quarter with the overall grades (keep in mind that they are not finalized yet), as every class has a mid-C to a high-B average. With make up work turned in and extra credit completed, I believe that number will only rise.

Extra Credit Activity:
*Complete the following to earn 50 extra credit points, which will be added into the grade as make up work for any 0s, up to 50 points.

Read pages 396-412, "The Story of an Eyewitness" and "Letter from New Orleans." While reading, answer the questions on the sides of the stories (A-I for both stories). Also answer the questions on page 413. All answers must be in complete sentences in order for you to earn this credit. This is an all or nothing assignment, meaning that you will not receive credit if it is almost done or halfway done, only if it is completely done.

Due March 21 (A) and March 22 (B). NO LATER!!!

***A reminder***Reading Journal Check #14 will be due on April 8th. This gives you two extra weeks to complete the assignment, as it should be due next week, but will not be.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Compass Odyssey for 2/18

Attention: Compass Odyssey has been having technical difficulties, so I will excuse everyone from Odyssey for this week. Please make sure you try on Saturday and the following week for next Friday's 30 minute check.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Progress Reports

Midway through the third quarter already!

Progress reports will be going home next Tuesday. I would like to remind parents that these are a snapshot in time and do not necessarily mean that your child will hold that grade throughout the quarter. However, please make sure your children are handing in all of their work. Missing work is a large contributer of low grades. Due to this reason, last week I gave all of the students a list of the assignments that we had completed in the first couple weeks of the quarter. We had a make up day in class where they could complete the work and then were given over the weekend to finish up what was left. Some students took advantage, but a surprising number of students chose to forgo the priviledge of having extra time. I hope that this trend will not continue.

I also want to remind everyone that the reading benchmark tests are next Tuesday and Wednesday, and the FCAT Writes is on March 1st.

Have a wonderful three day weekend!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Just in case you haven't finished...

Unit 5 Performance Task

Write an article that might have appeared in a newspaper of the 1800s that explains why people are going west at such a high rate. Be sure to mention how the people’s ambitions might have driven them to make such a leap of faith. Use an appropriate tone for the time period and subject matter.
This must be at least a page long and include an illustration (you may base the illustration on the poems).

"The Lady, or the Tiger" Project Info.

Hey everyone! It's hard to believe that the second quarter is coming to a close. As we finish this quarter and go to the next one, please remember to stay on top of all assignments so that you don't have to worry about your grades! This quarter is going to fly by with FCAT and Spring Break, so there won't be any time to play around!

Here is the information on the project for "The Lady or the Tiger," in case you lost yours:

Due Tuesday, January 18 (A)/Wednesday, January 19 (B) 70 points
“The Lady, or the Tiger?”

You are now going to make your own decision as to what happens when the princess chooses the door for her lover. Is it the lady, or the tiger?

Using construction paper, you must assemble a door which can be closed. When the door is opened, there will be a picture of either a lady or a tiger in the back. On the door(s), you will explain why you believe the princess would have chosen that particular fate for her lover. You must use at least one quote from the story. Think of this as part of a larger essay and this is one of the body paragraphs. In other words, the explanation must be at least 8 sentences and use plenty of support for your belief.

Be creative with this! Remember that the kingdom in which this story takes place seems to be rather wealthy, so make your doors/door frames appear as such. Your “lady” or “tiger” should also be more than stick figures (you may print off a picture, if you like, but please make sure they are appropriate). Additionally, when making this difficult decision, be sure to take every side into account. Our author himself said, “[the decision] involves a study of the human heart which leads us through devious mazes of passion, out of which it is difficult to find our way” (691). This will be the first grade of the 3rd quarter.

On time (project was turned in on the day for which it was asked) – 10 points
Neatness (project is put together well, with few to no errors and is neatly written or typed) – 15 points
Creativity (time was obviously spent constructing the frame/doors and making it look nice) – 20 points
Explanation (has at least 8 sentences, uses at least one quote, and gives plenty of support for the decision) – 25 points